Baptism Certificate

Free printable baptism certificate templates that you can customize before you print.

A selection of baptism certificate templates that you can customize online.

Certificate Examples

baptism certificate template
baptism certificate
certificate of baptism
baptismal certificate sample
Christian baptism printable
baptismal certificate sample
Baptism printable
Catholic certificate
Christian certificate
baptismal certificate
Baby baptism certificate
Certificate of baptism
Shades of blue
Baptism Certificate
Baptism certification


What is a baptism certificate?

This is a certificate that confirms that someone was baptized and notes where and when it happened. The certificate is usually signed by the presiding minister.

Baptism is a religious rite that is a symbol of rebirth and repentance by one who has accepted Christ and has repented of their sins. It is a method of becoming a member of a particular Christian church.

Is a baptismal certificate a legal document?

No, it isn’t since it is not issued by a civil authority.

When are people baptized?

People are usually baptized as babies. However, you can get baptized as an adult by publicly professing your own decision to accept Christ.

How to customize the template

The certificate template is editable so you can edit the text and add additional information. Click on the button below to open the free online certificate maker. Here are some things you might want to add to your format:

  • The godparents (the baptized person’s sponsors).
  • The date and time you were baptized.
  • You can add quotes from the bible.
  • Add a logo by clicking on “Add image”.
  • You can also change the actual wording on the template. Here are some other examples:
[name] was baptized with flowing water in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

The sample template reads

[name] was baptized by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How to get a baptismal certificate?

Contact the church or parish where you were baptized and request a copy of your baptismal certificate. You can only request a copy of your own certificate. If you cannot obtain it via the church or parish then try contacting the archives center of your denomination.

When do you need a certificate of baptism?

You might need it for identification purposes. Some churches require it when planning a wedding or first communion. Some people like to prepare a pretty printable baptism certificate to hang in their child’s nursery or their homes. Your minister might even be prepared to sign it for you to make it official.